Thursday, April 3, 2014

Fish Tanks: A good addition to any homecare setting

Homecare settings, too, can benefit from pet therapy.  But pet therapy does not have to be limited to dogs and cats.  Even watching fish swishing its tail gracefully in an aquarium can do wonders to your blood pressure.  Researches from as far as the late 80’s prove that gazing at aquarium fish can actually lower blood pressure and reduce stress.

Those with Alzheimer, too, can benefit from watching a fish-filled aquarium.  It is said to boost their appetite and reduce their agitation.

If you’re contemplating on having a fish tank at home, here are a few things you need to consider before going to the market to buy an aquarium:

1. The size of your home.  The size of your home determines how big your aquarium is going to be and how much space you’ll need to allot for your aquarium.  Always go for an aquarium that’s small enough to fit the space you have reserved for your aquarium, but big enough to fit a working filter.  Don’t forget to reserve a space behind your aquarium for the chords and equipment you’ll need to maintain your aquarium.

2.  The type of fish you can place in your aquarium.  When it’s time to shop for fish, it’s easy to fall for those that “look pretty in an aquarium”.  But do remember that: (1) some fish have special care and water requirements, and; (2) may not go along with certain types of fish.  Choose the fish which are easy to maintain and are compatible in any given environment.  

3. Your budget.  It is important to note that saltwater aquariums and reef tanks are very costly and are harder to maintain, compared to freshwater aquariums.  So go for the latter, if you’re not planning on making collecting fish and fish tanks as a hobby in the near future.

4. Maintenance.  Can you keep up with the maintenance requirements of having a fish tank at home?  Is your live-in caregiver willing to allot time to maintain the fish tank and feed the fish?  If you answered no to any of these questions, then a fish tank or aquarium may not be a good option for you.

If you don’t have the time and space for an aquarium, there is another option for you.  

Homebound seniors who are receiving homecare, or Alzheimer care services and cannot maintain an aquarium or fish tank for a great variety of reasons can get the same calming benefits from watching videos featuring fish in an aquarium or under the sea.   

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Autism Therapy | ABA Therapy | People's Care Autism Services strives to enhance the lives of children diagnosed with Autism and other developmental disabilities and their families so that they may achieve independence, inclusion and an improved quality of life. Call us today at 866-351-8887. We would love to see how we can assist you!

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